Dali owner hires lobbyists in Washington to quash changes to America’s Limitation on Liability Act of 1851 – Warungku Terkini

Concerned about the immense scale of damage claims coming its way, the owner of this year’s most infamous ship has hired lobbyists in Washington to try and ensure American politicians do not tinker with the country’s liability laws.  Citing federal lobbying records, the Baltimore Sun is reporting that Grace Ocean, the Singapore-based owners of theRead More

Yard Act: Where’s My Utopia? Album Review – Warungku Terkini

Even when they take themselves more seriously, Yard Act are never self-serious. Despite the fact that it primarily focuses on the pitfalls of living your “dream job”—hardly new territory for a breakout band’s second album, whether self-aware or not—Where’s My Utopia? manages enough genuine pop finesse and laugh-out-loud punchlines to keep the cliché from grating.Read More

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