NYC administration holds virtual moot on access to halal food at public schools – Warungku Terkini

New York: New York City administration organized a virtual conference to explore possibilities to ensure access to halal food for the Muslim students at the city’s public schools. New York City Public Schools Senior Executive Director Office of Food and Nutrition Services and Office of Ethnic and Community Media Executive Director JoseRead More

PTI leader Ali Khayyam Shakir’s mother passes away after cardiac arrest in NYC – Warungku Terkini

New York: The mother of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s senior leader Ali Khayyam Shakir passed away after heart attack, in New York, last night. The 66-year-old Nazir Begam had come to Brooklyn, New York to meet her daughter from North Carolina a few days back. Upon hearing the news of her death, her sonRead More

APPNA delegation meets caretaker PM in NYC – Warungku Terkini

New York: A delegation of Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent of North America (APPNA) met with Caretaker Prime Minister Anwar-ul-Haq Kakar in New York. Caretaker Prime Minister Anwar-ul-Haq Kakar has expressed his belief that Pakistani-American immigrants will contribute to the socio-economic development of Pakistan through their remittances, investments and welfare works.Read More

NYC Govt. officially allows Muslims to call Adhan on loudspeaker – Warungku Terkini

New York: In a historic development, the  Adhan echoed around the New York Mayor’s office as the Eric Adams-led administration has officially allowed the use of loudspeaker to call Adhan from the city Masques, with certain conditions. The soulful sound of Pray calling also echoed around the Mayor’s office. The use of loudspeakers for AdhanRead More

Pakistan Independence Day celebrated in Coney Island NYC – Warungku Terkini

New York: Pakistan’s Independence Day was celebrated in New York’s Little Pakistan – Coney Island Avenue, with Pakistani-American police officers showing traditional enthusiasm at the event. Like every year, Pakistan’s Independence Day was celebrated in a traditional manner, with a flag hoisting ceremony organized by the late Umar Butt’s family, the owner of Sweetness Restaurant,Read More

NYC to construct relief center on Randall’s Island to cater 2,000 adults seeking asylum – Warungku Terkini

NEW YORK: In partnership with New York State, New York City will construct and open a new humanitarian relief center on Randall’s Island to serve up to 2,000 adults seeking asylum. New York City Mayor Eric Adams has announced the placement of a new Humanitarian Emergency Response and Relief Center on Randall’s Island as theRead More

Khawar Baig, seorang pengusaha terkemuka, menyelenggarakan makan malam di NYC untuk menghormati jamaah haji. – Warungku Terkini

New York – Khawar Baig, seorang tokoh bisnis dan sosial terkemuka di Kota New York, menyelenggarakan makan malam akbar untuk menghormati para peziarah sekembalinya mereka dari haji. Khawar Baig menjamu jamaah haji dan pengunjung ke Amerika dari Pakistan di sebuah restoran lokal di New York. Di antara orang-orang itu, Chaudhry Younis; ChaudryRead More

Yayasan Jalan Sutra Walikota NYC; Menyelenggarakan pertemuan meja bundar dengan tokoh masyarakat Uzbekistan. – Warungku Terkini

New York: Pemimpin Silk Road Foundation dan anggota komunitas Uzbekistan telah mengundang Walikota New York Eric Adams untuk mengakui masalah yang dihadapi masyarakat, dengan membuka pusat komunitas Uzbekistan yang pertama; Dia mempresentasikan beberapa saran, termasuk akses ke lembaga kota. Pekerjaan untuk komunitas Uzbekistan. Walikota NYC mengadakan meja bundar dengan Silk Road Foundation dan tokoh masyarakatRead More

APPAC menyelenggarakan pesta Bid Farewell untuk CG Pakistan yang keluar di NYC. – Warungku Terkini

New York – American Pakistan Public Affairs Committee (APPAC) menggelar acara perpisahan Konsul Jenderal Pakistan di New York, Ayesha Ali. Acara perpisahan yang diadakan di kediaman Dr. Pervez Iqbal di New York dimoderatori oleh Tariq Khan yang menyoroti maksud dan tujuan pendirian APPAC kepada hadirin. Presiden APPAC Dr. Ijaz Ahmed mengatakan bahwa Konsul Jenderal AyeshaRead More

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