Sam Cooke: One Night Stand! Live at the Harlem Square Club, 1963 Album Review – Warungku Terkini

As critic Hilary Saunders has written, One Night Stand! throws “the party of the century on the eve of destruction.” Six months after its recording, Cooke’s 18-month-old son died in a drowning accident. In October, Cooke was turned away from a Shreveport, Louisiana, hotel in the events that inspired “A Change Is Gonna Come.” TheRead More

Twitch streamer Kai Cenat charged with inciting a riot after chaotic giveaway in Union Square – Warungku Teknologi

A massive gathering of people showed up on Friday afternoon at New York City’s Union Square for a giveaway hosted by two social media influencers, mega-popular Twitch streamer Kai Cenat and another streamer, Fanum. Cenat is the most-subscribed streamer on Twitch, according to TwitchTracker. The giveaway was set to take place at Union Square ParkRead More

Miniso di NYC; Toko andalan baru dibuka di Times Square. – Warungku Terkini

Toko variasi diskon Cina Miniso akan membuka toko utama di New York City bulan depan, yang digambarkan sebagai tonggak sejarah terbesarnya sejak didirikan pada tahun 2013. Toko baru, yang terletak di lantai pertama 5 Times Square, akan menawarkan hampir 2.000 produk berbeda kepada pelanggan. Koleksi Berlisensi Merek Baru; koleksi kotak buta; mainan boneka parfum, AksesoriRead More

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