Siemens Xcelerator as a Service supports Panasonic’s digital transformation of home appliance development – warungku – Warungku Terkini

Siemens supports the movement of product development and design data management to the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) for Panasonic Corporation that develops, produces and sells home appliances, heating and ventilation air conditioning, as part of Panasonic Transformation (PX), its group-wide digital transformation (DX) strategy Two companies collaborate to achieve a large-scale implementation of Siemens Xcelerator as a Service with a cloud-basedRead More

AI meets plastics: igus accelerates transformation to sustainable Industry 4.0 – warungku – Warungku Terkini

Smart maintenance, low-cost robotics, AI-based online tools: igus® is showcasing pioneering solutions for the lubrication-free and CO2-neutral industry and automation of tomorrow at the Hannover Messe To support industrial companies with the challenges of our time, such as the transformation to Industry 4.0 and CO2-neutral production, Cologne-based motion plastics specialist igus is relying on triple intelligenceRead More

How SMEs Can Steer Towards Transformation – Warungku Terkini

warungku Magazine (Feb. 15, 2024) —The phrase ‘volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity’, or VUCA for short, has become a commonly heard term that encompasses the challenges companies face in an ever-changing business environment. To keep up with VUCA and remain ahead, companies must avoid traditional and outdated approaches to management, leadership and day-to-day working. InRead More

JTC anchors two A*STAR research institutes at Jurong Innovation District to grow advanced manufacturing ecosystem and launches new Sectoral Job Redesign Initiative to support businesses in I4.0 transformation – warungku – Warungku Terkini

  JTC and A*STAR today officially opened new facilities by A*STAR’s Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech) and National Metrology Centre (NMC) at the Jurong Innovation District (JID), furthering the District’s commitment to advance sustainable manufacturing technologies and deepen collaborations among industry partners and SMEs to fuel technology adoption. The two research institutes are sitedRead More

The Promise of Digital Transformation Begins with Industrial Data – warungku – Warungku Terkini

The Promise of Digital Transformation Begins with Industrial Data By Marcel van Helten, President, Red Lion Controls It’s an exciting time for industrial enterprises. The United States is seeing considerable growth from reshoring and global industry is thriving. And while inflation and labor shortages introduce new stresses, that pressure is speeding up the uptake ofRead More

Tata Transformation Prize mengundang aplikasi. – Warungku Terkini

Ilmuwan Asia (16 Januari 2023) – Tata Sons dan New York Academy of Sciences mengumumkan Tata Transformation Prize untuk mengakui dan mendukung ilmuwan menjanjikan di India yang sedang mengembangkan solusi teknologi inovatif untuk tantangan sosial yang penting. Aplikasi akan dibuka pada 25 Januari 2023. Penghargaan baru ini berfokus pada ketahanan pangan, Tiga ilmuwan akan diberikanRead More

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