How Childhood Trauma Causes Mental Health Disorders In Adult Life – Warungku Terkini

warungku Magazine (Aug. 23, 2023) — Childhood neglect and abuse can cause extreme stress, significantly affecting how our brain develops and function. Clinical data have previously shown that people who experience childhood abuse and emotional neglect are at a higher risk of developing mental health problems such as depression and schizophrenia in their adult years.Read More

Armand Hammer: “Trauma Mic” [ft. Pink Siifu] Track Review – Warungku Terkini

Armand Hammer, the duo of rappers billy woods and Elucid, are not doomsayers—they just examine the grim realities of life and report their findings. Both can be blunt and poetic, their stark, hi-definition vignettes burning their way into your subconscious. This dynamic persists on “Trauma Mic,” the lead single for their sixth album We BuyRead More

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