Dali owner hires lobbyists in Washington to quash changes to America’s Limitation on Liability Act of 1851 – Warungku Terkini

Concerned about the immense scale of damage claims coming its way, the owner of this year’s most infamous ship has hired lobbyists in Washington to try and ensure American politicians do not tinker with the country’s liability laws.  Citing federal lobbying records, the Baltimore Sun is reporting that Grace Ocean, the Singapore-based owners of theRead More

Kamasi Washington: Fearless Movement Album Review – Warungku Terkini

Kamasi Washington likes to go big. The star saxophonist and bandleader’s debut album was a 3xLP extravaganza appositely titled The Epic. The follow-up, Heaven and Earth, was a bit briefer—only two hours this time—but even more ambitious. Fearless Movement, the third full-length with his name on the spine, shows signs of scaling back and relaxing.Read More

Protesters in Washington demanded an immediate end to the Israeli attacks, blockade of Gaza – Warungku Terkini

WASHINGTON: Thousands of pro-Palestinian people staged protest demonstration in Washington, the capital of the United States against the Israeli aggression on Palestine, and called for an immediate end to the Israeli attacks and blockade of Gaza. Organized by American Muslims for Palestine, thousands of pro-Palestinian people with carrying placards in their hands,Read More

Outlet Tesla NACS akan dibutuhkan di stasiun pengisian untuk kendaraan listrik di Washington dan Texas – Warungku Teknologi

Tesla mengalami bulan yang sangat baik, setidaknya dalam hal standar pengisian daya EV. Negara bagian Washington ingin mewajibkan perusahaan pengisian EV untuk menggunakan Standar Pengisian Daya Amerika Utara (NACS) Tesla untuk menjadi bagian dari program dukungan EV negara bagian, lapor Reuters. Mandat yang diusulkan negara bagian meminta teknologi Tesla untuk ditempatkan di situs pengisian dayaRead More

Protes berlanjut di Washington selama kunjungan Perdana Menteri India ke AS. – Warungku Terkini

Washington: Perdana Menteri India Narendra Modi berada di Amerika Serikat ketika orang-orang melakukan protes di ibu kota AS, Washington, menentang pelanggaran HAM berat di Kashmir yang diduduki India. Protes tersebut diselenggarakan oleh World Kashmir Awareness Forum dan ICNA Council for Social Justice di Monument Ground di Constitution Avenue, Sikh Gurdwara dan Sikh Sanghat. Komite KoordinasiRead More

Senator dan Swifties menghadapi Ticketmaster di Washington – Warungku Teknologi

Beberapa bulan setelah Ticketmaster membatalkan penjualan tur terbaru Taylor Swift, eksekutif puncak perusahaan induknya, Live Nation, menghadapi pengawasan dari para senator dan Swifties atas dominasinya di pasar Capitol Hill. Anggota Komite Kehakiman Senat mengkritik Presiden Live Nation dan Chief Financial Officer Joe Berchtold selama sidang hari Selasa, dengan alasan bahwa kendali perusahaan atas industri konserRead More

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